In the last month, the year has come and gone. Unbelievable.

As a "writer" (chuckle, chuckle), I've done less writing, more running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Yes, that's very cliche of me. But, it completely feels appropriate, especially with the headaches that the Holiday Season tends to bring about. *So much so that I might have wished I had my head cut off* I've also given birth to more plot bunnies than is possible to conceive into writing.

My poor, ignored, older plot babies. They had a dark and lonely Christmas, and a nonexistent New Year. All of their updates are still in 2011! Sure, it's only Jan. 2, but I need to get a move on it!!

Which leads me to the Resolution of Writing:


This is the year to finish things! This year, there will be less stress, more words. Less TV, more words. Less madness and insanity, and more Words! Hopefully more plot too. because a few of the stories are starting to slag!! Oh Noes!

Have a Joyous January! May the new year tide you over with many words and less dead ends.